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Homerus Associazione Onlus
Via Provinciale 84, 25079 Vobarno (Brescia) Lago di Garda - Italy
Tel +39 0365 599800 - Fax +39 0365 599129 - info@homerus.it
P.I. 01944140985


The IFDS Disabled Sailing World & International Championships, 2010, Homerus Blind Match Racing will be held in Bogliaco, on lake of Garda - Italy, from 20th to 27 June 2010.

There will be 2 different regatta courses:

- 1 course with 2 Meteor, for a maximum of 10 Nations with crews classified B1(helmsman) + B1 (crew);
- 1 course with 2 Nytec 20, for a maximum of 10 Nations with crews classified B2 (helmsman) + B2 or B3 (crew).
The entry-fee is €. 500 each crew, and the competitors must be member of Homerus Association (€. 50 per person).
Please feel free to contact us for any further information.
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